Wednesday, September 24, 2008


My life seems to revolve around waiting right now. Waiting for my loan stuff to get done. Waiting for something else to go wrong with my loan stuff (4th round as of right now). Waiting to be done with school. Waiting for God to tell me what I'm going to do with my life. Waiting for the right guy to come along. Waiting for my family situation to get better. Waiting for my new niece or nephew to be born. Waiting to finally get a paycheck. At the moment...waiting on Seth to be done giving blood so I can take him home. Although now I'm done waiting on that because he's going somewhere else. My life is full of waiting.

But that's ok. I've learned (and am still learning) that waiting is good sometimes. You don't always have to have everything instantly, contrary to what our culture thinks. Sometimes, waiting for something makes actually getting it even better. And sometimes it teaches you patience. And trust. Two things that I always struggle with. I don't have much of either of them except with a select group of people. But I'm learning.

And my life isn't all waiting-it's actually been busy lately. With school and work and BSM and hanging out with friends, I have a lot to do. But I love it :) And now I'm hungry, so I'm going to find some food.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


...are lame. I rediscover every semester how much I hate writing them. Which is a lot. Tests are lame, too. I have two this week. Plus homecoming stuff...still find it a little weird that I'm nominated for homecoming queen at my college, which is like, two hundred times bigger than my high school. Life is funny like that, I guess. Someday I'm going to get on here and write a real blog with everything happening in my life at the moment, but right now I don't have time. I have to quit procrastinating from my paper and go finish it. Peace.

Thursday, September 4, 2008



I needed to scream. I'm so frustrated right now. My stupid loan stuff STILL isn't done. And my roomate isn't answering her phone, so I can't find out if my stuff has come in the mail or not. That stuff determines whether I go on the BSM retreat this weekend or go home to get paperwork signed by my dad. And I don't know yet because won't answer the freaking phone because she's talking to someone else and has been all afternoon!!!!!!!! I'm sure it's an important phone call, and there's no way she could know that I need to talk to her. I'm just frustrated. And sick of stupid junk. It hasn't been the greatest week. I hate being stressed. And being a girl. And reading for classes. And stupid drama. And being broke. These are the days when I miss having a boyfriend. Or maybe I just need a punching bag. Or a basketball goal. I think either one would do...

The whole week hasn't been terrible. Just some of it. I did get out of a meeting early last night, so I got to see the entire season premiere of Bones (yay). And I got lots of compliments on my hair today. Ignite on Monday night was really good, too. The Way meets tonight, so that'll be good too. I'm just ready for the week to be over.